Here, we will talk about a very interesting term, the Internet of Things or the Internet of Objects, or as they call it in English the Internet Of The Things. Be attentive to what comes to us because many things could change in a few years.
An intelligent object or thing is one that can communicate with us. That is why sometimes the internet of things is called the internet of objects.
The Internet of Things is a scenario where animals, people or objects are all connected provided or have unique identifiers. A unique identifier, UID by its acronym in English (Unique Identifier) is a string of numerical or alphanumeric data that is associated with a single thing, a single entity (whether animal, object, person) and whose data is stored in a system. In this way that object, animal or person has a unique identifier thanks to which we can access the data associated with that entity and interact with them.
Understanding the above is then defined as Internet of Things to that scenario where people, objects or things have those unique identifiers with which there is the possibility of transferring data about them through the network without the need for interaction between person-person or person-computer All this is possible thanks to the evolution over time of wireless technologies, electromechanical systems and the Internet.
Any 'thing' connected to the Internet, large or small, can be incorporated into a database and collect this data to help us on a day-to-day basis.
In short, it means that both people and objects can connect to the Internet anywhere, anytime.
The Internet of Things is a scenario where animals, people or objects are all connected provided or have unique identifiers. A unique identifier, UID by its acronym in English (Unique Identifier) is a string of numerical or alphanumeric data that is associated with a single thing, a single entity (whether animal, object, person) and whose data is stored in a system. In this way that object, animal or person has a unique identifier thanks to which we can access the data associated with that entity and interact with them.
Understanding the above is then defined as Internet of Things to that scenario where people, objects or things have those unique identifiers with which there is the possibility of transferring data about them through the network without the need for interaction between person-person or person-computer All this is possible thanks to the evolution over time of wireless technologies, electromechanical systems and the Internet.
Any 'thing' connected to the Internet, large or small, can be incorporated into a database and collect this data to help us on a day-to-day basis.
In short, it means that both people and objects can connect to the Internet anywhere, anytime.
- Refrigerator that alerts the supermarket with the things you need and takes them home, or that tells us when a product is expired.
- Know in real time your biochemical faculties, so that the doctor knows them.
- Know in real time the needs of the plants of our house.
- Turn on an appliance before arriving at our house.
- Bracelets that when we go running inform us of our vital signs.
- Smart lamps that light on their own when lighting is needed.
- A fork that gives us the data of the speed at which we eat to improve the way we eat.
- A toilet that makes an analysis of our urine and recommends the most appropriate diet.
- A brush that alerts you of cavities and asks you to consult the dentist automatically.
- Slippers that tell you the Km you did running every week.
- Information beacons promise to revolutionize the internet of things. They are beacons that when
- Know in real time your biochemical faculties, so that the doctor knows them.
- Know in real time the needs of the plants of our house.
- Turn on an appliance before arriving at our house.
- Bracelets that when we go running inform us of our vital signs.
- Smart lamps that light on their own when lighting is needed.
- A fork that gives us the data of the speed at which we eat to improve the way we eat.
- A toilet that makes an analysis of our urine and recommends the most appropriate diet.
- A brush that alerts you of cavities and asks you to consult the dentist automatically.
- Slippers that tell you the Km you did running every week.
- Information beacons promise to revolutionize the internet of things. They are beacons that when
passing near them communicate with our mobile. The so-called proximity advertising and
payment by phone are its greatest use, but there is more. If you want to know more, click on the
underlined link above.
- Payment with mobile or cell phone. The method that is imposed is the so-called Beacon system.
- Payment with mobile or cell phone. The method that is imposed is the so-called Beacon system.
Actually, this term should not sound like Chinese, because these things already exist in our society that have unique identifiers, such as:
An animal with a biochip that is inserted into its skin and uniquely identifies each animal, a person with an implant to monitor their heart, or simply a car in which a sensor system has been installed that alerts the driver when he parks his car car and do not stick with other cars, among many other examples.
Let's say that anything, person or animal could be associated with a unique IP address (such as computers) for each entity with their data associated with that address. In short, the ease of communication between anything, animal or person. Everything we call today "smart", like our smartphones (smartphones) but that can be applied to anything, yes, anything that exists on our planet ... even atoms!
In short, we would have what would be a network of interconnected everyday objects.
An animal with a biochip that is inserted into its skin and uniquely identifies each animal, a person with an implant to monitor their heart, or simply a car in which a sensor system has been installed that alerts the driver when he parks his car car and do not stick with other cars, among many other examples.
Let's say that anything, person or animal could be associated with a unique IP address (such as computers) for each entity with their data associated with that address. In short, the ease of communication between anything, animal or person. Everything we call today "smart", like our smartphones (smartphones) but that can be applied to anything, yes, anything that exists on our planet ... even atoms!
In short, we would have what would be a network of interconnected everyday objects.
If we apply to everything that exists on our planet the "internet of things", that is, everything that exists on earth (people, animals, objects, water, atoms, air ... etc..etc) society in the one we live would change radically. Our entire planet would become SMART.
For example, a theft of an object would no longer be a matter of concern, we would know where that object is at any time, the same if we lost any belonging. We would find it in a matter of seconds. Everything would be uniquely identified, from a can of drink to an airplane. Let us also think that it is shown that people are normally surrounded by about 1,000 to 5,000 objects. If we had all these identified objects we could interconnect and interact with the real world around us and the online world of those objects, as for example already happens with RFID tags or the famous QR codes.
Right now, we can't talk to the refrigerator we have in our kitchen, but if both we and the refrigerator were uniquely identified and connected to the internet with their associated data, we might know if we need to buy milk without opening the refrigerator door, Only by accessing the internet and the stored data of our refrigerator could we know from our work office if we lack milk, eggs, fruit ... etc.
Perhaps this year we will begin to hear more and more about this promising term ... it is said, in fact, that 2014 can be the year of take off of the Internet of Things and that will be when we begin to connect absolutely EVERYTHING. The era is coming when our planet will be a world nervous system. If we believe that Facebook, with 600 million users, is the network that most connects people, prepare for the next one knowing that almost 2 billion people (almost a third of human beings) connect to the Internet, share information and communicate and about 4,000 million people have a mobile phone. (Are you already one of those who use WhatsApp more than a phone call to chat with your friends or family?….).
In addition, this term is not new, it was born there in 1999 at the Auto-ID Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which is very likely that thanks to the stratospheric progress that new technologies are having would not be far fetched that as of this year the internet of things is increasingly present in our lives.
For example, a theft of an object would no longer be a matter of concern, we would know where that object is at any time, the same if we lost any belonging. We would find it in a matter of seconds. Everything would be uniquely identified, from a can of drink to an airplane. Let us also think that it is shown that people are normally surrounded by about 1,000 to 5,000 objects. If we had all these identified objects we could interconnect and interact with the real world around us and the online world of those objects, as for example already happens with RFID tags or the famous QR codes.
Right now, we can't talk to the refrigerator we have in our kitchen, but if both we and the refrigerator were uniquely identified and connected to the internet with their associated data, we might know if we need to buy milk without opening the refrigerator door, Only by accessing the internet and the stored data of our refrigerator could we know from our work office if we lack milk, eggs, fruit ... etc.
Perhaps this year we will begin to hear more and more about this promising term ... it is said, in fact, that 2014 can be the year of take off of the Internet of Things and that will be when we begin to connect absolutely EVERYTHING. The era is coming when our planet will be a world nervous system. If we believe that Facebook, with 600 million users, is the network that most connects people, prepare for the next one knowing that almost 2 billion people (almost a third of human beings) connect to the Internet, share information and communicate and about 4,000 million people have a mobile phone. (Are you already one of those who use WhatsApp more than a phone call to chat with your friends or family?….).
In addition, this term is not new, it was born there in 1999 at the Auto-ID Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which is very likely that thanks to the stratospheric progress that new technologies are having would not be far fetched that as of this year the internet of things is increasingly present in our lives.

If everything that surrounds us is interconnected and we with it all can manifest on the Web, online. Any user or other machine could receive information about all that.
Probably the Internet of Things is applied first to automate industrial production, world security, health, etc. but sooner or later you can reach our daily lives, our jobs and even the Government.
According to official studies for the year 2020 our digital universe will be 44 times larger (in collected data or stored information) than in 2009. All this will make society as it lives today will be very different by then, we will be full of information at our fingertips and all this will also be a business for many. The Internet works massively since the year 90 and it is likely that we are already in Internet version 2, the Internet v2.
If this concept is not yet clear to you, right now you can enjoy a Spanish-language website called PACHUBE which is a platform dedicated to storing open data for the Internet of Things that manages data that is generated worldwide, in time real.
It is clear that the Internet of Things will provide us with great advantages, we can communicate much more quickly and easily, so that we can meet and interact with many more people in the world. We will have any type of information at our fingertips and it will be much easier and faster to access it and also in real time, but there are several things that can play against us.
All that information may not be all the good we expect, just as we will have a lot of good information, we will also have more bad information that could especially affect minors. Our dependence on a world where everything is connected is going to be brutal, we will probably lose much of our good customs, we will be perhaps more vague when it comes to performing certain tasks and our intimacy can be really affected. The day we cut the internet, we may suffer from a heart attack.
Piracy is another key issue that will surely skyrocket and also spam, phishing, viruses, malware ... etc.
Probably the Internet of Things is applied first to automate industrial production, world security, health, etc. but sooner or later you can reach our daily lives, our jobs and even the Government.
According to official studies for the year 2020 our digital universe will be 44 times larger (in collected data or stored information) than in 2009. All this will make society as it lives today will be very different by then, we will be full of information at our fingertips and all this will also be a business for many. The Internet works massively since the year 90 and it is likely that we are already in Internet version 2, the Internet v2.
If this concept is not yet clear to you, right now you can enjoy a Spanish-language website called PACHUBE which is a platform dedicated to storing open data for the Internet of Things that manages data that is generated worldwide, in time real.
It is clear that the Internet of Things will provide us with great advantages, we can communicate much more quickly and easily, so that we can meet and interact with many more people in the world. We will have any type of information at our fingertips and it will be much easier and faster to access it and also in real time, but there are several things that can play against us.
All that information may not be all the good we expect, just as we will have a lot of good information, we will also have more bad information that could especially affect minors. Our dependence on a world where everything is connected is going to be brutal, we will probably lose much of our good customs, we will be perhaps more vague when it comes to performing certain tasks and our intimacy can be really affected. The day we cut the internet, we may suffer from a heart attack.
Piracy is another key issue that will surely skyrocket and also spam, phishing, viruses, malware ... etc.
The Internet of Things will soon be the term of fashion although many people already use it daily without hardly realizing it, but in a very short time it will become a fact, a weapon of mass connection, a reef for any type of deal. Right now we can imagine what this Internet of Things is but when it is a fact it will have a brutal global impact, we will have to be very intelligent to move in that new world that awaits us just around the corner, because we will meet with a world in which the REAL and the DIGITAL will be ONE.
The number of things connected to the Internet exceeded in 2008 the number of inhabitants of the planet. It is estimated that there will be 50,000 million devices connected in 2020.
Here you have a video debate that tells us about IOT.
The number of things connected to the Internet exceeded in 2008 the number of inhabitants of the planet. It is estimated that there will be 50,000 million devices connected in 2020.
Here you have a video debate that tells us about IOT.
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